Gulika Raja pooja

Performed for removing the Gulika Dosha especially for delay and obstruction especially in getting marriage due to Gulika Dosha


Gulika holds an important position in the evaluation of a natal chart.  It is also called as Maandi, like Rahu and Ketu, Gulika has no physical existence. But it always makes a difference in the natal chart output. Gulika is generally considered the most malefic entity in a chart. According to the set standards of assessment of maleficence, it surpasses all natural malefics. Gulika enjoys a special status almost like an independent planet, and in astrological classics it is considered as a minor planet or subplanet. In the traditional astrological practice, the Gulika-Kundali (a horoscopic chart, with houses reckoned from the position of Gulika) used to be an essential component of the Janma-patri (the scroll carrying the horoscopic details of a native, according to the traditional system of making horoscopes in India).

Gulika = Maandi =”slow, stupid, loitering


  • Similar in density to Rahu-Ketu, Gulika has no mass and is therefore undetectable with the material eye.
  • It is however vividly obvious to the psychic eye located in the Ajna chakra at the point between the two material eyes.
  • Gulika = traditionally believed to be a highly malefic influence, which very much slows things down.Hence its moniker ‘manda’ = ‘slow’, ‘feeble’, or ‘weak’
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