
“Vedanga Joythisha”, that is jyothisha that comes in vedanga  says only about the fixing the Good times for Anushtanas , Yagas , Shodashakarmas.  It is totally based on Panchanga only . panchanga is ” Thithi , Vara , Nakshathra , Yoga , Karana ”

There is no predictive astrology said anywhere in Vedas .Vedas only said about the good time and bad time to do Karmas , that is Muhurtham . Rest of all predictive astrology are only research work done by great people of the past . Ahimsakasya danthasya dharamarjitha dhanasyacha saravada niyamashtasya sada sara gruha gruha (The last or the ultimate sloka(26th adhyaya 49th slokam) from one of the greatest and authenticated research work done by manthreswara named “bhaladeepikai” written hundred s of years back says that one who never injures or hurt any living being (prani) , one who makes money by dharmic way , always happy and do nithyakarma and service to god , the planets will always do good things or anugraham for them .They will never get any ill effect from any planet . This is the final result of the research of manthreswara

You can contact us for fixing the Muhurthams for Shodasha Samskara , House Foaming , Signing contracts or any other events .

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